Intellectual Outputs

1 A thorough analysis of the needs of relevant stakeholders (Hospitality and Tourism businesses, tertiary level educational institutions, students, policy makers and opinion leaders) in the countries of the consortium. The analysis includes in-depth, mixed – methodology research (qualitative and quantitative).

2 A best practices guide presenting good practices in Europe and internationally from linked to work programmes in the Hospitality and Tourism industry as well as linked to work programmes in other industries that may be transferred to the Hospitality and Tourism Industry. The guide will also present the best practices identified from the current project.

3 A recommendations report that takes into consideration the needs identified by the countries of the consortium and what is currently available in Europe and internationally, and based on that makes recommendations either to use existing practices, or to adapt practices that already exist according to the needs identified, or even to develop new innovative practices.

4 An operational manual that presents a systematic methodology for the development, installation and monitoring of a successful employer programme for the Hospitality and Tourism industry. This manual will be publicly available, therefore organisations, enterprises and educational institutions, not currently participating in the project, may use it to develop their own Employer Programme.

5 An electronic platform where both stakeholders from Hospitality and Tourism tertiary level educational institutions (academics, administrative personnel, students) and from the industry (managers, employers, owners of businesses, employees, etc.) will be able to interact. This online platform will facilitate the cooperation between educational institutes and the Hospitality and Tourism industry through different activities that may be planned for and implemented. Some examples are online surveys for the improvement of the quality and relevance of educational curricula and materials based on the needs of the industry, input on the delivery of educational programmes, facilitation of the participation of guest speakers from the industry, management of placements and internships, recruitment for part-time or full-time employment of students and graduates through the platform etc.